Chapter 2
An hour later, the doctor returned with my ultrasound results. He seemed troubled, as if he was trying hard to find the right words to break the news to me.
My heart sank as I snatched the report from his hand. Boldly printed at the top were the words: “Embryonic Demise.”
“Ms. Sinclair, it seems your pregnancy stopped progressing about a week ago. At five months, it would be best to…” he began, but I could not hear the rest.
My mind buzzed loudly, drowning out his voice. I stumbled out of the room and ran to the street, collapsing onto the curb as tears streamed uncontrollably down my face.
I could not believe that my pregnancy had stopped a week ago. Just two days ago, Vanda had told me my baby was perfectly healthy.
I refused to believe this was happening to me. There was no way I lost my baby just like
How could Vanda be so cruel and do this to me?
Suddenly, I thought about what the old woman had said. Believing she might have a way to help me, I quickly rummaged through my bag and pulled out the envelope she had given
- me.
My hands trembled as I dialed her number. When the call was connected, I immediately said, “Hello, Ma’am. I’m—”
Before I could finish my sentence, she interru