Chapter 0025
I read through her false smile almost immediately. “Alexandler reached out to me to inform you that he’d like for you to go and meet him at the camps today.”
My brows lifted in shock. “Really?”
“Yep. He’s meeting with a few of the pack members to discuss some Important matters, but he’s looking forward to seeing you.”
I tried to not let my cheeks flush with interest. I turned to face Nina and asked her to make sure those seeds got to Wendy so that they could be arranged and planted..
I was more
re than p
glad to see that Wendy’s health had been improving since she started taking the special tea leaves and herbs I prescribed for her. Now she was able to take care of the more intricate tasks than before.
Upon my arrival at the camp, I tried glancing around for any sign of Alexander.
But I couldn’t find a single trace of him.
“Perhaps he’s in his private defense quarters,” Fiona suggested.
The two of us headed up to the tent to find it heavily guarded by numerous pack members.
“Excuse me,” I started. “Is Alexander here?”
They all gave me the same dubious, questionable look. “Who’s asking?”
As I expected, Fiona remained silent. I cleared my throat and tried to keep my computer as confident as possible.
“My name is Evelyn. I’m Alexander’s Luna,” I said.
Most, if not all, looked taken aback by this bit of news. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. It’s almost been a full week since Alexander and I had married and still, a majority of the pack wasn’t aware of who I was.
I wasn’t going to lie, it stung
But the guards were quick to let us pass.
“Are you sure Alexander wants me here?” I asked.
Fiona curtly nodded. “Oh, yes. In fact, he even said that if he wasn’t here by the time you arrived, you should just go in and wait for him. He even said you could straighten up things if you wanted. In fact, why don’t you do that? I’m sure Alexander would be exceedingly grateful.
I felt deeply suspicious of Fiona’s encouraging words. This was the same girl who tried to sabotage my first meeting with Wendy. She didn’t seem like the kind of person to easily turn over a new leaf.
Nonetheless, I followed her inside and nearly stumbled over my
y own fe
Why on earth would Alexander want me to straighten up here? The place was as neat as it possibly could get.
I let out a long breath and slowly examined my surroundings. Nothing looked particularly out of place or even disorganized. Quite the opposite.
Everything looked thoroughly locked up and kept well in its place.
The only thing that appeared strangely out of place was a random notebook that was sitting in the middle of his
Chapter 0025
desk. My guess was that it had come from one of the nearby locked boxes.
“I really shouldn’t be here,” I said to myself. I glanced over at Fiona and gently shook my head. should be in here? This whole place seems highly confident al?”
“Are you sure I
Suddenly, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. ona had picked up a delicate–looking box that I just had a feeling wasn’t meant to be toyed with.
“What are you doing?” I asked bluntly.
Instead of answering me, she sneered while a devious smile took hold of her mouth. She mumbled something nearly incoherent under her breath.
“…Wrong place…Wrong time…”
Just then, my heart lurched into my throat as she tossed the ornate box to the ground. My eyes were wide in disbelief while an intense sense of worry and fear took over me.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I blurted out.
So much was wrong with this situation. I turned to leave but at that very moment, Alexander’s booming voice came rushing through.
My heart skipped several beats.