Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve
Celeste’s POV
I stepped out of the cab, double checking if I had everything in my bag.
When I looked up, a wave of nostalgia hit me. Standing in front of my old college brought back those fun, passionate years of self–discovery.
I rubbed my arms, shivering in the night air while I waited for Grace to pay the cab fare. I wore a tea length halter dress. My handbag was bulky but not eye–catching. We dressed low–key tonight.
Neither of us wanted to attract too much attention.
“Wow, the turnout is better than I expected,” Grace said as she closed the cab door. She looked lovely in her pencil skirt and off shoulder blouse.
The building was lit up, and the grounds were bustling with activity for the event. We linked arms and joined the flow of guests.
“This is so exciting.” I said, “I haven’t seen anyone from college aside from you and Vanessa since having Bonnie.”
“Yeah, you kind of fell off the face of the earth for a bit there.” Grace gave me a gentle nudge as we entered the alumni centre.
Music and chatter filled my ears. People stood around cocktail tables eating finger foods and catching up. A server walked past carrying a tray of pink gin and tonics.
- “Ah, the reason we took a cab here,” Grace said with a mischievous grin. She handed me a glass and raised hers.
“To a night we won’t remember.”
I clinked our glasses with a wide smile.
“And stories that’ll remain untold.”
We sipped our drinks, and I admired the well–decorated banquet hall–this was a design school after all.
“God, we were so wild back then.” I reminisced.
“Sometimes I wonder how we survived.”
I spotted a familiar bunch chatting animatedly. Without a second thought, I hooked my arm in Grace’s and steered her to their corner.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
My excitement grew as we neared them. It was Savannah who spotted us first and called out.
“Celeste, Grace, over here!” She waved, and the others turned.
A series of chaotic hugs and ramblings ensued as we caught up with our classmates and friends. Many of them had become successful in their fields.
I was so proud of them.
But I looked at my life and felt miles behind.
Chapter Twelve
“Have you guys had a look at the exhibit yet?” Grace asked
Savannah shook her head. “We were actually just about to go.”
“We’ll join you.” Grace said, winking at me. “I’m excited to see if any of our work is on display.”
I pulled her to the back of the group as we made our way to the exhibit.
“What was that wink about just now?” I asked.
“Celeste, you’re too modest.” She whispered beside me. ” bet at least some of your pieces made the cut.”
“Oh, stop it. I wasn’t-”
I was cut short.
“What are you two scheming together?”
We turned to see our design professor approaching with a teasing smile.
“Miss Jones! It’s so good to see you.” I said when I recovered from my surprise.
“It’s actually Mrs Peters now.” She held up her ring clad hand. “But please, call me Dominique.”
“Congrats, Dominique.” Grace gave her a hug.
“Thank you, ladies.” She turned to me. “Celeste, have you been to the exhibit? Several of your pieces are on display.”
Grace tossed me a playful smirk. “Told you so.”
I gave her an exaggerated eye roll before turning to Dominique.
“Really?” I asked.
“Of course. You always excelled in your assignment and produced fresh, unique work.”
I beamed at her. “Thank you.‘
“You dropped off the grid after graduating. What have you been up to?”
This was the exact moment I dreaded.
While my classmates made names for themselves, I’d raised a daughter who wanted nothing to do with me and lost my husband to my best friend.
It wasn’t anything to be proud of.
But no matter how things turned out, I know I gave it my all. I straightened my back.
“I got married and stayed home to look after my daughter.”
“Such wasted potential.” Dominique shook her head with pity. “You had such a promising career.”
“Well, actually,” Grace said, drawing the professor’s attention away from me. “Celeste is des. ng again under Rose-”
My hand flew to cover her mouth.
Both of them looked at me with puzzled expressions. I knew Grace understood when her eyes blew wide.
Chapter Twelve
She’d almost ousted my identity as Rosemary.
Dominique’s gaze shifted between us. Before she could speak, a murmur travelled through the hall.
I turned to see what all the fuss was about.
“Vanessa.” Grace seethed.
Every eye followed Vanessa as she sashayed into the hall. Her backless gown sparkled under the lights and dazzled the onlookers. She surveyed her admirers with a raised chin
I caught wafts of conversation praising her transformation. My rage simmered.
If only people knew the truth about her.
“Is that Vanessa?” Dominique’s gaze glued to her former student. “She’s radiant.”
Grace took my hand. “We should catch up with the others at the exhibit.”
I nodded.
“It was nice seeing you, Dominique. Keep well.”
Before we could move two steps, my name rang out above the crowd.
“Celeste!” Vanessa called. “Over here!”
I stopped in my tracks.
“Grace, please tell me that psycho bitch is not calling me right now.”
She looked behind us. “Sorry, love. Psycho bitch incoming.
I was having a nice evening until now.
Groaning internally, I came face to face with Vanessa.
“Celeste, long time no see.” Her lips curled into a mocking smile.
I crossed my arms. “What do you want?”
“Can’t I say hello to a friend?”
I laughed bitterly. “I don’t think you know what that word means.”
She brushed off my comment.
“I thought you’d be too ashamed to show your face tonight. You’re actually really bold, Celeste.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked, blood boiling.
A crowd had gathered around us, and Vanessa seemed to feed on the attention. She gave my outfit a once–over.
“This event is for real designers, not retired housewives who can’t afford decent clothing with their alimony
My vision bled red.