I’d woken up on the right side of the bed. Everything had gone smoothly. The sun was shining brighter, the birds‘ songs. were sweeter, even the grumpy old man who lived next door and shook his fist at everyone who passed didn’t look so bad. I caught the knowing glances my aunts, who were staying with me in the meantime, exchanged as I wolfed down my breakfast, but I didn’t care. Today was the day I’d ask Melanie to go on a date with me, and nothing was going to spoil it. I drove down to Jordan’s to pick her up as usual. Although she complained all the time that she didn’t need a chauffeur, I didn’t mind driving her.
I’d actually delayed the requisition for her own car and driver because of it.
Her sarcasm and dry humor were relaxing, and it was the only way I could spend some time with her without being too obvious but today, that was going to change possibly. Hopefully.
After giving the correct passcode at the gates and driving in, I stopped the car almost directly in front of the doors beside where Jordan’s valet had put his Aston Martin. Anticipation at seeing her filled me as I got out and jogged up the stairs, opening the front door like it was home and in some ways it was
Theard voices from the kitchen so I went in there. Melanie was standing and for a moment I just let my gaze rest on her features God, she was beautiful. The next thing I knew, she was pulling me back out the front door like we were teenagers trying to sneak away from our parents
From what I could gather, she was avoiding Jordan for some reason. He caught up to her anyway and demanded she ride with him. I was disappointed- I’d been really looking forward to
the ride- but covered it up with a cheeky grin and a witty comment, like always.
On the drive to the office, my thoughts strayed back to her and I smiled. The first time I saw her, she’d hit Jordan in the face and took off running, immediately earning my respect.
I didn’t know what it was about her; whether it was those slightly slanted eyes that didn’t know whether to be blue or grey. that rich brown hair that carried hints of gold in the sunlight, or the killer body.
Maybe it was the way her default expression was slightly cynical and mocking until she laughed, or her straightforward way of speaking Either way. I liked what I saw. I didn’t mind what she’d done for a living. Nobody knew better than Jordan and I what it meant to do what you could to get by so I couldn’t judge.
Besides, it made her badass, and I liked a woman who could hold her own, especially against someone as stone–cold and scary as my best friend. I didn’t know her that well, but what I knew, I liked and asking her out would give me the opportunity to get to know her better outside the office
I walked into my office whistling a tune and Chris, my assistant, gave me a puzzled smile “Someone’s in a good mood. I guess you heard about the Premium Air deal” he said. I paused at his desk, grabbed an apple and bit into it.
Premium Air was an international flight service we’d been trying to partner with. They’d been giving us the runaround, but I guess the news was good. “What about it?” I asked. Chris grinned “Premium Air, as of yesterday afternoon, is now an affiliate of Sunset Corporation“. I grinned back and high–fived him.
As I walked behind my desk and sat I wondered how I was going to break the news to Jordan. He hated when things didn’t go has way so I should probably invite lum out for drinks all sober, spin some story about how it didn’t work out and then launch the news just as he started to get pissed.
Echuckled as I imagined the expression (or lack thereof) on his face. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out, surprised when I saw Jordan’s name flash across the screen. Think of the devil.
“Yo Lamswered, swiveling my chair around.
Blaine. My office. Now he bit out and hung up without waiting for a reply.
Isglied and got up again, it wasn’t consual for him to onder me into his office and I was used to his ways. I took the elevator up, ally wondering what bug had crawled up his ass this time I got off his floor and walked into the outer office, expecting to see Melanie at her desk but instead meeting an unfamiliar man with rumpled clothes.
“And who might you be?” I asked, wishing I hadn’t when he turned his bloodshot eyes to me.
“Ti Steven, and I’m going to kill your boss. Just wait and see” he answered.
“Yeah, yeah. Join the club” I muttered, breezing past him and knocking on Jordan’s door once before entering
“Whoa” I wasn’t expecting the scene I was met with Melanie was over by the bar picking up shards of broken bottles and cups beside the overturned visitors‘ chair. Jordan was wearing a path into the floor with the amount of pacing he was doing. and there was an unfamiliar man who looked a bit like a rat sitting on the sofa looking terrified.
“What’s going on!” neither Jordan nor the man looked ready to answer so 1 directed the question at Melanie. She glanced over at me and shrugged in a “Your guess is as good as mine‘ manner. I went over and crouched to help her with the glass and she smiled her thanks
I was no stranger to Jordan’s temper; they tended to be really intense since he was so cool and collected most of the time. Once, he’d chucked a bottle at my head. Missed though.
“This is Dorrell. He’s a jeweler Jordan began, grabbing our attention.
“Dorrell Sounds like a condom brand” 1 mumbled, making Melanie laugh. It made me feel warm inside, I wanted to make her laugh more. Jordan shot me a glare….
“I called him in to give me an estimate on the jewels, and he has determined they are fake.” He concluded.
Startled, I shot a glance at the condom guy and he nodded in affirmation.
“How can they be fake? Our contact never mentioned-” II started to say and he cut in, “I know. I’ve dealt with him.” Well, that’s not ambiguous at all.
“Are you trying to tell me I risked my life and almost died over some fake jewels?” Melanie blurted out, indignation in her voice. Id almost forgotten she’d attempted to steal the damn things and that’s why she was here in the first place. Whe Jordan turned to face her, he had a look in his eye that set the bells in my head going.
“Yes. I’ve been double–crossed. And guess who’s a master at double–crossing people? Or should I say mistress” he crossed the room quickly.
By the time I got up, he’d pulled her to her feet and was holding a thick shard of glass to her neck.
“It seems our Melanie has been holding out on us” he said coldly. I sighed.
Guess I’m putting my plans on hold…