Chapter 14
Chapter 14
I couldn’t think.
Fear consumed me, wrapping around my body like a suffocating vice.
Curling up in the backseat, I clutched my head, trembling.
The driver hesitated before asking if I needed to go to the hospital.
“To the airport!” I roared.
I called my uncle, Jimmy Cooke, demanding that my car be allowed through security.
I couldn’t think..
All I could picture was Sora–terrified and in pain.
Was he hurting? Was he suffering?
My heart felt like it was being ripped apart.
I hated myself for sending him on this trip.
I hated that I wasn’t there to protect him.
I would never forgive myself.
When I arrived at the airport, the chaos told me everything
There were ambulances, fire trucks, and police everywhere.
The severity of the situation was undeniable.
I prayed, staring up at the sky, barely able to breathe.
And then, finally, the plane appeared.
It landed safely.
And so did my heart.
But I was frozen, paralyzed.
Every ounce of courage I had drained from my body.
Passengers began sliding down the emergency chutes.
Medics rushed in, carrying the injured off the plane.
I scanned the faces desperately, my vision blurring.
I tried to move forward, but security held me back.
And then, I saw him.
Sora stood there, dazed, blood streaking down his face.
He just stood there, staring at me.
Nothing else mattered.
Chapter 14
I tore forward, breaking through everything, running like a man who had been reborn.
I crushed him in my arms, feeling his warmth, his solid, real presence.
He was here. He was alive.
“Thank God,” I whispered, over and over. “Thank God.”
Then, Sora collapsed against me.