45 Hale And Hearty
Ewan thinned his eyebrows as he read the text message from his favorite shareholder.
The male was checking in on him and inquiring if he was healthy enough for a meet up.
Ewan looked at his finished drip, and rang for the nurse.
Sandro had made sure the bell was put last night, for emergencies.
When the nurse arrived, he asked her if he could leave the hospital.
She shook her head. “Not yet. The doctor prescribed adequate bed rest for you. You also have another drip to take in the next ten minutes.”
Ewan believed it wasn’t necessary.
The deep sleeps he had enjoyed at intervals had rejuvenated his body system totally.
Even though the last sleep had lasted for just two hours, he believed it was a finishing touch to his perfect health.
He was hale and hearty now!
“I can’t wait for that, ma’am. I have someplace to be now. Please, can you discharge me?”
The nurse sighed, and checked his vitals.
Satisfied with the readings she got a few minutes later, she told him to meet Athena for the discharge letter.
“Thank you, very much…” Ewan earnestly appreciated the nurse.
The nurse, middle aged, blushed to her roots.
Although it was known that Ewan was engaged, he was a very handsome man, with a more handsome smile… should he bother to smile.
“You’re welcome, but I think the person deserving of your thanks would be Doctor Athena.”
Ewan nodded. That was a given.
After the nurse left, Ewan got up from the bed, stood on his feet, and surveyed the room from his standing position. It was nicely groomed.
He arranged his bed thereafter, collected the overnight bag and change of clothes Sandro had brought for him earlier, and walked to the en–suite bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, he was looking like himself again, in a three piece suit, and finely polished Oxford black shoes.
He folded his hospital wear meticulously and kept it on the bed, before carrying his work bag and walking out of the room.
His first stop was at Athena’s office.
“I’m here to see Doctor Athena…” He spoke gently to Ciara, who was engrossed in the file she was reading.
45 Hale And Hearty
Ciara jerked, partly from the surprise intrusion, and partly from Ewan’s tone of voice.
“Good afternoon Mr Ewan…” She finally found her voice, after drinking to her fill, the sight of Greek god before her.
She even tried to place the enthralling scent oozing from him, but gave up, because she was sure the perfume’s cost was out of her reach. She could never guess it right.
Ewan was amused at her display, yet he said nothing, showed nothing too.
“I’ll let her know you are here.”
“Is that necessary?” His voice dropped to that honey tone, which people rarely said no to. Ewan believed there was no need to hassle the assistant to do things his way. It was better this
Ciara seemed at crossroads, but her relaxed instinct won at last, over her logical sense of duty. Having watched what had transpired between the infamous man and her boss, she could easily tell that the man had been humbled, and wouldn’t make trouble again.
“Okay, you can go in.”
Ewan flashed his megawatt smile, and Ciara was blinded for a moment.
Before she realized herself again, Ewan was already opening the door to Athena’s office.
When Ewan stepped into Athena’s office, the first thing he saw was Athena reading a file, and writing something on a notepad.
From the sheen of sweat that shined on her forehead, despite the wonderful ventilation in the large office, he could tell that she had been at work for a long time, without stopping.
He respected her for that. She hasn’t even noticed his presence.
This gave him ample time to drink in her beauty.
His eyes wandered from her thick black hair tied up in a ponytail, to her beautiful small nose; and then to her well shaped lips, and her…
He held back a groan of appeasement when he noticed that her shirt hadn’t been buttoned to the neck. It had stopped somewhere near the chest.
The exposure of the glowing skin area caused insane arousing feelings to ride him again.
He thought of Fiona’s bad recent act to kill the sexual urge that woke his little man up
It didn’t work, however.
Hence, he cleared his throat to alert Athena of his presence.
He refused to become a mess before his wife again! @
When Athena heard that throaty sound which only belonged to one person she knew, she inhaled softly and closed the file she was reading.
“Good afternoon, Doctor Athena.”
Athena sighed, clasped her hands on the table, and looked at Ewan. “Good afternoon, Ewan,
45 Hale And Hearty
Please, have a seat”
Ewan complied immediately.
Grateful to have his little man out of Athena’s sight, he sat down and met Athena’s gaze.
“Thank you, for treating me despite my foolishness…” He started, surprising Athena, who was about to ask him how he had gotten past Clara.
“Please don’t penalize Ciara too. I told her not to inform you of my coming. I couldn’t bear being
turned down…”
Athena nodded slowly. That would explain that. Still, how could Ciara let him in? Did he promise her anything?
“I can be very persuasive.”
The small smile on Ewan’s lips hit her fair and square. She swallowed, and cussed Ciara for not giving her a heads up at least.
“And I’m sorry for bringing you trouble these past days. I will try not to make it happen again.”
Athena nodded again, yet remained silent, unsettling Ewan.
“Sandro mentioned the bill, and the deal we made earlier. Thanks for not canceling out…”
Athena nodded again.
Ewan took his lips in. “Aren’t you going to say something? Are you still angry?”
Athena shook her head. “I’m not angry with you, Ewan, just tired. I’ve heard all you said, and they are all okay. I’m also glad that you are doing well…”
She paused, and cocked her head to the side, wondering if the topic she was about to talk on
was necessary.
“Please, go ahead…”
Despite the fact that Ewan had been an asshole six years ago, Athena couldn’t fault him in his ability of reading her plainly when he chose to.
“There’s still some unresolved issues in your brain, Ewan. There’s a blockage of sorts around some of your memories. Is there something I should know? Do you have amnesia?”
46 Diagnosis