46 Diagnosis
From the ambivalent look on Athena’s face, Ewan knew his wife hadn’t been aware of his lost memories afore time, and it stomped his heart on how lifeless their marriage had been, how lifeless he had made it.
If only he could go back in time, he would have changed a lot of things.
Because if Athena was truly innocent of the accusation six years ago, there was a possibility she hadn’t been aware of her father’s plan.
Considering this possibility almost dampened his hearty spirit.
Ewan had to let go of the matter for now, in order to focus on his discussion with Athena.
He didn’t think she would appreciate him being distracted.
“Yes, I do have amnesia. I can’t remember my childhood.” He finally answered. “I had an accident when I was around twelve years old…”
Athena consciously kept her face bland, while her mind ran helter skelter.
Hearing the confirmatory truth from Ewan unsettled her.
Why had she been kept in the dark about this?
Hadn’t Zack been aware of it, or had he kept it out of her reach as usual, believing it wasn’t necessary information for her to digest?
Getting the brain scan had been really numbing. She had the lab expert run it three times before accepting it!
She furrowed her eyebrows, and rested on her chair squarely. “You don’t remember a singular thing?”
Ewan nodded. “Apart from a singular memory that keeps popping up in my dream.”
Athena’s curiosity was piqued. “Is it something you can share? It will help understand the results from your brain scan.”
Ewan inhaled softly. “I think so.”
“Let me hear it then”
Ewan splayed his hands on his thighs, preparing himself to recount the dream from a day ago. “It’s about the accident, how it actually happened. He paused, and looked at the large window that allowed him to see the bustling city and sky.
“In the dream, I’m hurrying to meet a friend. When I got to our meeting point, near a river, she’d been waiting for a while. I apologized for my late arrival, and then we got around playing. While play–dancing, I missed a step and fell into the river…”
A pause, where he reverted his gaze to Athena.
“I can’t swim. She couldn’t swim either. Yet she jumped into the river to save me. She pulled me out of the deep waters despite the strange current. But when I was woken up by shouts, she
40 Duypnosis
was nowhere around me… I deduced that she had left to call for help. When I woke up again, she was by my bedside weeping.”
Athena folded her hands across her chest, drafting Ewan’s attention to her chest region.
Ewan instantly reverted his gaze to the window.
“The girl, who is she?” Athena asked, picking another note pad from her drawer.
Ewan hesitated before answering the question. A second later, he decided to say the truth as he
knew it.
“In the dream, her face was actually blurry. So I couldn’t know for sure who she was. But when I finally woke up from the coma, I saw Fiona beside me weeping. I concluded she was the one. because she wore the same bracelet as the girl who saved me.”
Athena furrowed her eyebrows again, not understanding a singular concept.
Yes, she could finally see why Ewan was blind and dumb when it came to Fiona, but still…
“If she didn’t know how to swim, how was she able to pull you out? How was she able to remain unaffected, even staying by your side while you were in a coma?”
While thinking, Ewan bit his lip gently.
Athena’s eyes widened a little at the sight. She quickly looked at her notepad and pretended to write something down.
“Honestly, I don’t know Athena.” Ewan finally replied. “I asked her about it when I got healthy, but she claimed she had been treated too.”
Athena shook her head. “That’s not possible, Ewan. If Fiona had really jumped into the river, braving the current to save you, she would have either drowned, or been in the same shape as you, if not worse…”
Athena took her lips in. “Nevertheless, that’s your problem to handle. I only asked because of your brain scan results. The acupuncture had done a great job, but you might need some more treatments, probably a surgery too–depending on the outcome of those treatments–to correct some things, so that you can gain access to your full memories.”
Ewan opened his mouth to speak, then shut it, not knowing what to say exactly–both to Athena’s deduction about Fiona, and the case of his brain’s recent state.
He would have attributed the former to Athena’s jealousy, but he knew she wasn’t petty as
And for the latter, he couldn’t afford to be bedridden now. He had a business to run, manage and expand.
He had a meeting
with Ethan too.
“I’ll think about it…”
Athena didn’t bother to confirm which of the statements Ewan would think about. She only nodded, and went back to writing in the notepad.
She tore out a piece of it and gave it to Ewan a few seconds later.
48 Diagnosis
“This is the contact of one of the best doctors I know. Call him and let him know about the problem; he will be happy to treat your case…”
Ewan wasn’t pleased with the news. “Are you discarding me, Athena?*
Athena frowned. She didn’t understand what her ex husband was talking about.
“I want you to be my doctor, Athena. You are the one I trust.”
Trust? That was a big word. Athena thought, folding her arms across her chest again.
“I can’t be your doctor, Ewan.”
“Why is that? I can pay any amount.”
“I’m just not interested.”
Ewan sighed. “I’ve had doctors check me out a couple of times, and none of them have discovered or done what you have done in just a day. Why will I spend money on any other doctor then, when I have found you?”
Athena rested squarely on her chair again, as her mind reeled with questions and probabilities. She, however, met Ewan’s gaze steadily, making sure to communicate that she didn’t want to be
his doctor.
Yet, for the sake of the twins, she made the uncomfortable decision.
“Whenever you are ready to be treated, Ewan, let me know.
She ignored the smile of victory and appreciation that perched on his lips, and dismissed him. “You can leave now. I have a meeting to attend.”