Black Revenge Chapter 36

Black Revenge Chapter 36

36 Crushed Pride 

Fiona, who had lifted her head after Athena’s sarcastic laugh, opened her mouth to contradict Athena’s words, but Sandro shut her up with a glare

She turned to Ewan, seeking for solidarity

It was then she saw the sorry state of her fiancé

How hadn’t she noticed

She had heard him implore Athena to tell her truth, yet she had been so concentrated on maintaining her own truththat she hadn’t looked at him

She hurried up to him now, but Ewan raised his hand, stopping her from getting closer to him

Is she telling the truth?” 

Fiona hesitated, wondering how fast things had deteriorated

No, she is lyingShe vehemently denied

She glared at Athena for a second, before returning her attention to Ewan

There is CCTV to checkSandro piped in then, causing Fiona’s mouth to quiver, causing her eyes to water with frustration

She has really done it this time. She thought, noting the cold glint in Ewan’s eyes

She should have returned home, and licked her wounds there

She should have humbly accepted her humiliation, consoling herself with Athena’s future death. Now, her father will kill her! Now, Ewan might punish her

What should she do? How could she save herself from Ewan’s wrath? 

She gave me chocolateIyouShe stuttered, halting when she saw Athena’s notable smirk

She had consented to the chocolate drink. So, she couldn’t blame Athena for that

Yet what choice did she have when Athena had placed the chocolate drink as a bait? Fiona hated Athena at that moment, a hundred folds

She had thought herself a game player, but it was obvious that Athena was a better one. She needed to up her game


Fiona pinched herself in trepidation as the air in the room got colder with tension. Her was up


With no other option, she bowed her head in false remorse. I’m sorry” 

Ewan, seeing this, shook his head

Had Athena been innocent six years ago

Had Fiona really been behind the setup with her father

36 Crushed Pride 

Could Sandro be right

His heart trembled with pain, thinking about it

Had he been a fool all these years

Had he played the fool, been stringed along by Fiona and his father

Ewan’s pride suffered a blow at the thought of being used as a puppet

But when had the innocent girl that had grown by his side changed

Ewan felt his senses become clouded with pain again, and knew he would be unconscious soon

Yet he held on; he had to solve the matter now

He faced Athena, his pride absolutely crushed

His shoulders drooped, and his eyes kept fluttering. Sorrow lurked within the twin blue orbs

Athena, I’m sorry.He inhaled quietly

I apologize for my foolishness, and I apologize on behalf of my fiancée too. This situation will never happen again. I promise you. You will never be accused without concrete evidence again” 

However, Athena didn’t care for all these shenanigans

She just wanted Ewan to be treated

She couldn’t afford to have a dead man in her office

Sandro, lift him….. 

Ewan shook his head, disrupting Athena’s sentence. He was not done

The twenty percent shares you demanded earlier, you can have it. But please, don’t cancel your treatment plans for my town. Please, don’t take into account my foolishness and my ugly pride. I’m sorry.” 

A lone tear slipped from Ewan’s right eye then, numbing Athena

She has never seen Ewan cry, or this emotional. He was rarely emotional

Was it the apology or the pain she knew he was feeling

Beside Ewan, Sandro stood stiffknowing that his friend would refuse to be moved until this matter was concluded

Please, am I forgiven? Will you treat my people?” 

Athena nodded immediately. I will treat them, Ewan. Now, allow Sandro to pick you up!” 

Sandro moved ahead to do so, but Ewan raised his hand and stopped him. I’m not done yet.He coughed harshly, and looked at Fiona

Fiona didn’t know what to do with her hands

She couldn’t believe her actions had resulted in this

36 Crushed Pride 

She knew of Ewan’s health problems, but she hadn’t considered it happening now, since the illness appeared once in a blue moon

Her heart was pricked with guilt

She tried reaching out to him again, but Ewan hissed in annoyance

From today, Fiona, the engagement is off. Get your belongings out of my house and return to your father’s house, with immediate effect” 

Fiona collapsed to the floor, shaking her head intermittently in unbelief

With her bruised knees, she knelt before Ewan, when he ignored her again

Ewan, I’m sorry, I didn’t know this would happen.” 

Ewan gestured to Sandro to take Fiona away

Ewan, I’m sorry.Fiona recited, holding Athena’s desk, refusing to go anywhere

This irritated an already tired Ewan

Leave her be. I want to ask her one more question

Fiona paused in fearful anticipation

Six years ago, did Athena really cheat on me? Did you and your father conspire to wreck my marriage?” 

Athena would have laughed, remembering the contract marriage, but for the somber atmosphere

No, we didn’t conspire. She really did sleep with Luca!” 

This would have been a perfect time to bring Kendra. Athena thought. A perfect time to acquit her reputation in Ewan’s eyes

She still believed that Kendra was Fiona’s daughter

Okay then. You can leave.” Ewan was tired of talking

He looked at Athena, needing to take in her presence one time before he lost consciousness

I’ll investigate the matter of six years ago, Athena, even if… 

He coughed at the same moment that Zane opened the office door, and walked in hastily

Zane perused the atmosphere, his eyes perching on Athena first

Happy that she looked fine, his gaze landed on Fiona

His mouth turned up in disgust, when he beheld her state.. 

Why was she begging Ewan

Or rather, why was Ewan angry at her

This was a first

He, however, blanched when he finally saw the state of Ewan

36 Crusted Pode 

Immediately, he forgot about his grievances against his friend

Without wasting time, he rushed to his friend, and knelt at his feet

Ewanwhat’s happening” 

But Ewan’s eyes were closed now, only his breathing showed he was still alive

He looked at Sandro. What are you doing? Take him to the ward for treatment!” 

Sandro didn’t hesitate this time around

He hoisted Ewan up, cursing himself inwardly

Earlier, he had been so fixated on Zane’s appearance that he hadn’t been aware of Ewan finally slipping out of his consciousness

He was about carrying Ewan away, when Athena spoke

Please take him to my ward. I’ll treat him myself

Black Revenge

Black Revenge

Status: Ongoing


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