37 An Old Dream
Ewan was dreaming.
He saw his young self happily hopping along a grassy path, toward a young girl, of the
with him.
– same age
The young girl was squatting close to a river, throwing small stones into the calm water body. unaware of his approach.
When he noted that the girl was oblivious of his presence, he stopped hopping, and tiptoed
toward her.
Standing right behind her, he covered her eyes with his small palms.
The girl didn’t shriek as he had presumed. Rather, she smiled and called his name. ‘Ewan!
He sighed dramatically, and dropped his hands.
“What took you so long? The girl turned to face him.
Ewan was startled by her blurred face.
Yet he heard himself speaking. ‘Mother sent me on an errand. I’m sorry.”
It’s okay. You are here now. Do you want to play?”
Young Ewan smiled widely, bobbing his head. It’s a pleasure, Princess…
He bowed his head, causing the young girl to laugh, before getting on her feet. As he played with the girl, he noted their ages to be around twelve or thirteen The sound of her laughter brought joy to his younger self.
years old.
At the moment, they were dancing without music. He was holding her hand up, and causing her to swirl as they watched in movies.
As they laughed and danced around, they didn’t take notice of their distance to the river.
He was swirling the girl, turning with her, when all of a sudden, his feet hit a large stone. Before he knew what was happening, he was falling into the river headlong.
As he struggled to live, he heard the girl shout in fear and panic, heard her sobs when no one came to their aid thereafter.
She knew he couldn’t swim.
He was about to shut his eyes, about to welcome death, when he heard a splash.
The girl had jumped in to save him!
Yet he knew she also couldn’t swim.
He opened his mouth to tell her away, but swallowed water instead.
He felt her grab his clothes, and pull him toward the shore.
37 An Old Dream
However, his mind was too befogged to understand how she was afloat, how she had managed to save him from drowning.
When he opened his eyes again, he was on dry land.
He didn’t see the girl hunched over him, neither did he feel her around him.
It was then that he heard the shouts from people running toward him.
Assured of his safety, believing the girl had successfully called for help, he succumbed to the
Ewan’s eyes slowly opened in the real world.
He breathed in softly, and became instantly aware of his dry tongue and parched lips.
He needed water.
He tried calling for Sandro, but what came out of his mouth was a squeak.
His throat was irritated too. He lifted his hand to scratch it, hoping to quell the irritation, but then his gaze met his right hand, which had a pin sticking on it..
Ewan exhaled harshly, glaring at the offending pin.
He would have shouted at the act of inhumanity, but for the fact that he felt nothing: right before his brain brought to his remembrance, the process.
It was then that he looked around him.
He recognized the large space as one of the private rooms in the Whitman’s hospitals.
The room contained two big beds, a television, a refrigerator, two sofas, and three cabinets.
Ewan tried sitting up to survey his surroundings much better; surprised when he did so without. feeling any pain.
Not even in his head.
He remembered, without hassle, what had transpired in Athena’s office, what had led him to this point.
He sighed, reminded of his foolishness again.
He furrowed his eyebrows, however, when he became aware of his nakedness.
Who did this? Where was Sandro?
r was
Noting the pins on his body, he couldn’t but wonder who his doctor
Who was skilled in acupuncture in the city?
No answer met him. He sighed again, and looked around the room, searching for a way to
contact Sandro.
Where was the bedside bell used to alert visitors of a patient’s awakeness?
37 An Old Dream
He saw none.
But he spotted his phone by the bedside table.
He picked it, and called Sandro,
There was no answer, but he heard the shuffling of feet outside the room.
A few seconds later, the door to his ward opened and Sandro stepped into the room with Zane.
Ewan noticed that Zane remained by doorpost, probably wondering if he would be allowed to
He sighed, and gestured that the latter should come in.
Zane instantly obeyed.
When the two males reached him, there were perceptible smiles on their lips.
“You look better, Ewan. She did a better work than your doctors, I think. Your mind is clearer.
Ewan nodded slowly, already knowing who the ‘she‘ was.
She had treated him, after he had brought trouble to her doorstep.
He sighed in regret. She was a better person than he would ever be. How could he ever repay her? Had his foolishness lost the partnership he had suffered to get?
He cursed Fiona mentally, only stopping when the dream he just had, resurfaced vividly.
He exhaled wearily.
Why did he have that dream? Did the fates not want him to stay away from Fiona?
He had planned to do so, to cut off all contact with her, only endeavoring to transfer to her account every month, money for her welfare.
Ewan hated liars.
He hated being treated like a fool.
Yet his dream had successfully put a stop to his plans. He had to take care of Fiona.
But surely the engagement will not hold. Or should it?
The dream had showed him again the sacrifice Fiona had made for him.
Should marrying her not be the least he could do?
“Ewan, you seem lost in thoughts…” Zane cut in. “Is your head paining you?”
Ewan shook his head. “I feel better than ever.
He pointed at the bottle of water near the table, remembering his thirst.
Sandro hurried and brought it over.
He took a sip, then gulped down the entire bottle.
37 AnolaDream
When he was done, he asked Sandro to get rid of the pins on his body.
Sandro obliged.
After all, Athena had shown him how to do it.
He removed the pin meticulously, to avoid injuring Ewan
When he was done, he helped Ewan sit properly on the bed.
“Are you hungry?”
Ewan nodded.
“I’m coming. Let me get you food from a nearby restaurant…”
Sandro hurried out of the ward, expertly leaving the two friends to talk- he has always liked. Zane, especially since he was someone that could call Ewan’s bullshit.
There was a notable tense silence in the room after his departure.
Zane finally broke it.
“How are you doing?”
Ewan stared at him keenly, but Zane wasn’t uncomfortable because he was sure he hadn’t done anything wrong to his good friend.
“I’m fine. I feel like I’m free, to an extent. Ewan finally answered, rubbing his forehead tiredly.
His stomach grumbled then, and he farted before he knew it.
There was a pinch of silence before both males dissolved in boisterous laughter.
Ewan was surprised not to feel any pain in his chest and stomach as he indulged himself. Was he really cured totally?
“A sign that you are fine then.”
Ewan nodded. “What happened after I passed out?”
Zane shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing much. Athena decided to treat you. Her fees are outrageous though…”
He winked at an Ewan who was already chuckling softly.
“It’s okay. I deserve it.”
“Yes, you do.” Zane concurred.
“But why are you so gullible when it comes to Fiona?”