Dear, Ex husband 24

Dear, Ex husband 24


Alex stood before the door, his heart throbbing hard against his rib cage, his mind racing at a million miles an hour. In his hand was a folder containing legal documents filled with proof of his secret court wedding with Rosy. He knew what was inside that folder could destroy his mother’s expectations and worst of the heartbreaking consequence if she go through it. It might forever ruin his relationship with her

He clenched it tightly in his grip, trying to gain strength from it’s firm, undeniable proof. Today, he was going to confess his secret to his mom -he had married Rosy in a court, and was now a happily married wedded man

He wasn’t sure of how his mother would react; their relationship had always been noisy and strained. She had done everything in her power to govern him from a young age, moulding him into her version of the perfect son. Since he could recall, he had always try his best to be the dutiful son to her

However, Alex had reached the end of his limit -and Rosy had proven to be the inhibitor for his rebellion against his mother. His love for her had opened his eyes to the strings that bound him, and he was determined to break free

Taking a deep breath, Alexknocked on the door, waiting anxiously for his mother to answer. It did not take long, and she seems to be waiting for him. For the past few days, she lost track of his movement because she decided not to keep an eye on him like she always does


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At first, she thought he absconded due to the fact she asked him to provide Lisa but taking into account how obsessed he is to fame, she realized he can’t. If he does, he is aware of how he’s going to lose everything he toiled day and night for, so patiently, she waited his arrival and here he is, paying her a visit out of the blues

Ah, you arrived at last, sonShe stated simply, her voice was dripping with selfrighteous disappointment. You left for days without thinking of the position your mother would be? How can you be so cruel, Alex?” 

Alex was unfazed by her words as he braced himself for her scolding, but he was not going to go into reverse this time. As he walked into the living room, Alex saw her sitting regally in her usual arm chair, with expectation plastered onto her face

The sunlight streaming in from the widow forged a glow around her, almost like a halo. At that moment, she look like famous villainess in tales with the type of charisma surrounding her, it was enough to send chills down anyone’s spine but Alex stood his ground. Knowing he couldn’t waste any more time, he took another deep breath and addressed her directly

Mom, I have something to tell you.” He started slowly, staring into her cold eyes even as he’s few feet away from her but he could not stand her eyes and ended up looking away. It’s very essential and I hope you will try to pay attention with an open mind.” 

Her eyes narrowed, she find his phrases unusual. Very well, I’m listening.She said, though her body language betrayed her lack of curiosity -she was never the curious type, as though she already see the whole thing coming

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Feeling his courage grow, Alex continued. As you know, I’ve been seeing Rosy for a while now and you’ve been against it. What you failed to know is that we got married in a court.He confessed as he strutted closer to her, holding forth the document as evidence

Alex’s mother stared at him in shock, her eyes welling with tears. You displeased me again, Alex.She spat, certainly struggling to contain her rising anger. But I will try to maintain an open mind and listen to what you have to say.She took a deep breath and waited for him to continue, hoping that he had a good reason for taking such a step with out her knowledge even after all the threats she laid to him

He did not care whatever way she determined to take his confession. He is absolutely conscious she’s looking forward to a reason for his act, does he need to have one before taking choice for himself? Why must his mother demand a reason even for the slightest thing he do

I did it for myselfHe said simply yet firmly, and willed himself to look his mother in the eye he’s been avoiding. I’m tired of living my life always trying to please you and not being considerate about myself. I’m an adult, and I can make my own decisions. I genuinely love Rosy, and I want to spend my life with her even if that mean letting go of your expectations and disapproval; I don’t care anymore, mother.” 

The room was so silent that Alex could hear the thumping of his heartbeat and almost his mother’s. Mrs. Williams stared at him for what seems like eternity, before admitting defeat in her anger; she expected such drastic behavior from him but not this soon


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Her voice was cold, indignant and barely struggling for control, she threatened him, If you go through with this, you won’t have my support anymore. I’ll disown you in case you keep on following this path.Her facial expression was hard and stoic

Her words, though harsh and painful, only served to bolster Alex’s resolve. He was glad she in no way threatened to take the company away from him like she did the last time she laid a threat -that, he was by no means geared up to let go

He looked at the framed photos on the mantelpiece, including one of him as a child, and was struck by a sudden realisation: through his mom had always wanted the best for him, her inflexible expectations had never granted him any freedom to truly explore who to be. Standing before her today and challenging her to her face, Alex mean to let go off being her puppet even if it means rebelling against her… 

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Dear, Ex husband

Dear, Ex husband

Status: Ongoing


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