They argued. Stuart, being the idiot he was, mocked him–hunted him for never winning Carmen’s heart.
Benson snapped. Castrated him with a knife. Stomped on whatever was left.
By the time I returned–with my bodyguards in tow–Stuart was bedridden, his court date fast approaching.
He begged me for mercy. Said we were once husband and wife.
I chuckled, leaned in close, and whispered, “I heard Rosie doesn’t want your bastard son anymore. Makes sense- he’s blind and mute now. Even if he grows up, he’ll be nothing but a burden.
“Stuart, you were too greedy. Too cruel. You abandoned your own baby by the roadside. Tell me… when Peter grows up, do you think he’ll sue you for abandonment?”
His face drained of color. Eyes wide. “Y–You… you knew all along…”
“Of course,” I laughed, watching the truth wreck him. “But I didn’t do a thing. You’re the one who destroyed your only son,”
Today’s Bonus Offer