The grand hall buzzed with anticipation as dozens of wolves watched the drama unfold.
“Can you believe it? The Alpha’s daughter attacking unshifted wolves?”
“Well, when you’re that spoiled, you can’t stand anyone being better than you.”
“Thank the Moon her brother isn’t protecting her.”
Under Sarah’s triumphant gaze, I straightened my spine.
My wolf stirred beneath my skin, ready.
“A silver pit, brother?” I let my power leak into the pack bond. “How medieval of you.”
I circled him slowly, letting my smile turn feral.
“But here’s a better idea why don’t you try the pit first?”
Michael’s face darkened with rage.
Sarah stepped forward, tears gleaming. “Vivian, I know you hate me, but how can you speak to your own brother this way?”
Her act was perfect young, Innocent, wounded.
Daniel watched her with dark hunger in his eyes.
Then he spoke softly: “Love, just apologize. There’s no need for
I felt my wolf surge forward.
The shift rippled through me like lightning.
“Sorry,” I growled through fanged teeth. “I don’t speak with Omega.”
My claws extended slowly.