disgusting! If we were overseas, you’d both have been pulp by now.
“It’s only in this country you got lucky. You made me work this hard to get you away from them.”
Quinn asked, “Melinda, I’m just trying to understand something. Do you like Chuck or Harry? Is true love when you can fall for
two people at the same time?”
Melinda scoffed. “Who ever said it was love? I simply won’t allow the two dogs who always follow me to find new owners on their
With that, she lunged forward, trying to push Quinn and me over the edge.
Footsteps echoed from outside, and Melinda quickly hugged herself, shaking her head and stepping back in feigned fear.
“Please, Scarlett, Quinn, don’t be angry at me! I didn’t mean it; please don’t kill me.”
As she turned, Chuck and Harry appeared at the rooftop entrance. They must’ve realized Quinn and I had been gone too long and
had come to find us.
Seeing what was happening, Harry turned to Quinn with a frown.
“Quinn, what are you trying to do? Kill Mel? Haven’t I already apologized to you on her behalf? What more do you want?” he
In response to his disappointment, Quinn simply smirked. She looked Harry straight in the eye and replied, “I want Melinda to
join my unborn child in the grave.”
Chapter 10
Harry replied disapprovingly, “I told you that this has nothing to do with Mel.”
In the next second, two policemen emerged from behind a pile of discarded items concealed on the rooftop. As they marched toward us, they cast a disdainful look at Harry.
“Nothing to do with her, you say? I’ve never seen such an evil person. She killed your wife and child, and you’re still defending
Harry froze upon seeing the police. At that moment, everything that had happened seemed to flood back through his mind. His
face twisted with disbelief.
“Is Melinda the culprit?” he asked.
Tears filled Melinda’s eyes as she cried out, “No, Harry, I’m not! I’m being