Simon was indifferent to the remarks as he pulled Yasmin into his arms. “That’s all in the past. Yasmin is the love of my life.”
A hush fell upon the crowd. There was no point in bringing up Simon and Olivia’s past now that he and Yasmin were married and in love.
I gave them a cursory glance before turning to the waiter and ordering myself a drink. As I sipped my fresh-squeezed orange juice, I prayed that my parents would show up soon and make the important announcement. I had a shift to cover at the hospital.
However, Yasmin seemed intent on ruining my peace.
Her hips swayed as she slithered up to me and picked up a lock of my hair. “Olive, you need a good spa day. Your hair is as dry as hay from all the late nights.”
Everyone’s gazes immediately fell on me. A few of the elders seized the chance to give me a talking-to.
One of them chided, “I don’t know why Olive decided to become an ER doctor. Of all the professions she could choose, she just had to pick one that paid her little to nothing and wear her down with work! It’s no wonder she’s still single even though she’s pushing 30!”
Someone sighed in disappointment. “No wonder she hasn’t shown her face at family gatherings in the last few years. She hasn’t made anything of herself.”
I met Yasmin’s condescending gaze before carefully appraising her and Simon.
Her dark hair had been twisted into a classic up-do, and she wore a cashmere designer coat. She was also adorned with select pieces of high-end jewelry. Everything about her screamed luxury and wealth.
As for Simon, he donned a suit from the same collection as Yasmin’s coat and wore only a wedding band on his ring finger. However, something about his stoic demeanor and typical indifference made him look like the archetypal scion from a romance novel.
It was no wonder they were heralded as the golden couple. Now that I had taken a closer look, I could see they were a good match.
I rubbed my throbbing temples and tried to put some distance between me and Yasmin. “Are you done yapping, Yasmin? If you are, would you mind backing off? Your cheap perfume is giving me a headache.”
Yasmin’s face darkened. But before she could speak, Simon valiantly came to her defense. “Cut the crappy attitude, Olivia. Yasmin’s only worried about you.”
I frowned, growing annoyed. But I leashed my temper out of consideration for that day’s occasion. “I’m not giving her any attitude. I’ve had a long day at work, and I’m too worn out to make small talk with either of you. So, could you do me a favor and just back off?”
Simon scowled at this. I didn’t blame him. He was so used to being put on a pedestal that he probably thought his life was far better than mine. Knowing him, he expected me to be jealous of him for having everything he ever wanted. My nonchalance had thrown him off his game.
Yasmin sensed Simon’s aggravation and quickly interjected to placate him, “Honey, we’re at a family gathering today. No picking fights with Olivia.
“We should be more understanding. After all, she must still be holding a grudge after the incident six years ago.”
Simon’s features softened when he heard this. He stroked Yasmin’s hair as he said indulgently, “You’re my better half, Yasmin. You’ve always been such a considerate angel to everyone.”
He turned to me and sneered, “It looks like you’re still as stubborn and obnoxious as before, Olivia. Perhaps things might have been different for us if you had learned to be more gentle and tender.”