Chapter 9
I began preparing for Victor and Vera’s funeral after Cheryl was taken away.
I went to the cemetery, purchased a casket for each of them, and arranged for them to be buried side by side.
Next, I coordinated their funeral date with the shaman.
Once everything was in place, I sent out their obituary to relatives and friends, informing them of the funeral date.
Two days before the funeral, I received a phone call from the mortuary.
“Ma’am, Mr. Leo has been here for the past few days. Could you please come take him home? It’s becoming difficult for us to
work with him here.”
I went to the mortuary, where I found Leo lying on the floor in a pitiful state. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair had turned
completely white.
There was also a scar on his forehead, likely from repeatedly banging his head against something.
The staff member whispered, “He was devastated when he saw their bodies. Afterward, he began banging his head against the wall like a madman until he started bleeding. Then, he fell to his knees and slapped himself.
“It took several security guards just to stop him from hurting himself. He’s been lying here ever since, refusing to eat or drink.”
Leo was still on the floor, staring at me. “Do you hate me, Lyra?”
I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I said, “They called me to say you’re disrupting their work. I’m here to take you home.”
He reached out his hand, probably expecting me to help him up, but I stayed where I was.
“Their funeral is in two days. I’ve already sent out the obituary and decided where they’ll be buried. You should go home and rest.
We have a ceremony to attend tomorrow,” I informed him.
Leo looked at me and asked, “Can we not annul our bond?”
I couldn’t help but laugh despite the disappointment in his eyes. “I don’t love you anymore, and I’m leaving.”
“Cheryl’s the one who insisted on spending Valentine’s Day together. I was tricked by her,” he said.
Trying to comfort him like one would a child, I said, “It’s okay. I don’t blame you for that. Cheryl can take my place and be your
Luna. You two don’t hav hide anymore once we annul our bond.”
Leo didn’t say anything and got up from the floor.
After returning home, he took a shower and fell asleep.
I slept in the guest room and was woken by a sheriff the next morning.
“Ma’am, Cheryl’s dead. Mr. Leo killed her in the woods. But he’s nowhere to be found right now.”
Soon after, the sheriffs arrived again and told me that all the abductors had been apprehended.
Cheryl may have been the mastermind, but her original intent was only to abduct my in–laws to create a rift between Leo and me, so we would annul our bond.
However, one of the abductors, who was madly infatuated with Cheryl, believed that Victor and Vera had looked down on her because of who she was. This led him to force Cheryl to leave Leo the first time.
The abduction was meant to be a sham, but this particular abductor murdered them in a fit of revenge, spurred by Cheryl’s
constant complaints.
Leo went missing and didn’t attend his parents‘ funeral.