I didn’t even want the mansion.
He couldn’t help but think of Sophie’s car accident half a year ago.
After she was discharged from the hospital, Tammy kept saying she was scared having only the two of them at home.
So, he wanted the mother and daughter to move into the mansion.
However, when I found out, I smashed everything in the house angrily and shouted that if he dared to let Sophie move in, I would jump off the house.
Mark had no choice but to let this subject go.
As revenge, he had a cold war with me for three whole months.
It wasn’t until Anthony was hospitalized due to allergies that I had to give in. He blocked the entryway to see my son and only allowed me to enter when I apologized to him.
Since then, the love I had for him slowly started to fade.
I became very well–behaved, even better than the incident in the past.
Mark was secretly proud of my change.
He felt that he had defeated the arrogant person in me, but he didn’t know that from that moment on, my feelings for him began to wear away little by little, until they turned into nothing.
Mark wanted to go out and chase me, but Sophie suddenly screamed. He looked at Sophie and saw that Tammy had fainted at some point.
Sophie spoke, “Mark, what’s wrong with Tammy?”
Anthony was turning anxious. He grabbed Mark’s sleeve and said, “Dad, take Tammy to the hospital quickly!”
He didn’t care about the woman that just left.
Mark picked up Tammy and rushed out of the mansion without a second to lose.
When he got out, he realized that snow was falling quickly.
This sudden blizzard prevented me from getting a taxi as well.
The mansion was located in a remote suburb, so I had no choice but to walk in the snow.
Mark’s car stopped in front of me, the window was lowered, and he frowned and looked at me, “Get in the car.”
I ignored him.
He hammered the steering wheel angrily, “Lily, how long will you continue to make things
Chapter 3
this hard?”
At this time, my mother’s voice came from his mobile phone, “Lily, if you start acting out again, I will act as if I never gave birth to a daughter like you.”
I smiled softly and said nonchalantly, “Then I will no longer be your daughter.”
Chapter 4