Chapter 9
Nico’s POV
Thank the Goddess she finally came out today. It was a total accident I even found out about it. I was speaking to a friend of mine who was supposed to meet with Asher today, and he told me the meeting had been moved back a day as Asher and his new mate were getting the furniture for the baby room set up. I knew that since Sabrina hadn’t left the packlands in two months, she would want to come along with them, and I was right
We followed them to the paint store, and then out to lunch, I could see my beautiful mate through the window, and I could feel her emotions as she got upset and then couldn’t eat anymore. I see the blonde girl, Jade, comfort her, and I am glad that she has good friends around her, but no one can make her as happy as I can. I feel like I have been waiting forever to see her again, as I couldn’t take the chance of being followed so I have stayed in my pack for the last month, getting things ready at the house, by Jaden, for us to have time together.
I knew it was just a matter of time before she would be with me, I just had to be patient and wait for the opportunity to supply itself to me. I am glad it finally did. I follow them to the mall, and things couldn’t be more perfect. I have my Beta in another SUV and we have 4 of my warriors with us, and we will be splitting up to take her back to the house. We had even traded up vehicles at a local garage to lose the men following us, and I saw that Shelby had stepped up her game, and now had multiple people following us. I was so frustrated, but now that I can see my beautiful mate, and I know I will have her with me soon, I feel calm and relieved. It is almost over. I have a ball cap and sunglasses on and I stayed back away from her, so she couldn’t scent me watched her find cute little baby outfits for Asher and Jade’s baby. I am so glad that they will be having a baby boy first, as his heir will be set in stone. I am jealous of him right now, but I know once I can get with Sabrina, she will fall for my charms, and if not, I can work around them. Jaden doesn’t have to know if I force the bond a little. I need her like I need my next breath. I am not whole without her, and right now, I am OK with giving up my pack, just to be with her.
I watch as she and Dixon head to a shoe store, and then on to a clothing store. This is where the Goddess smiled on me. I saw Dixon’s head come up and smell the air, and then focus in on an attractive young she–wolf at the store across the mall and he heads right for her as she starts heading for him. I cannot blame him as it is so hard to resist the lure of your mate, and I move in quickly. We won’t have a lot of time to get this done. I approach her as she is picking out some workout clothes and I make sure to walk up to her, so she faces me, and one of my warriors hits her from behind and knocks her out.
I know we have to move now, so we take off to the back of the store, thankfully it is one on the first floor, and I mindlinked Jaden where to pick us up. I know the alarm will sound as soon as we touch the emergency exit, so I had my warrior step out of the store and then walk down a few stores to watch Dixon and his new mate and see when he remembers to come and check on Sabrina. It is too late now, I am just waiting calmly until Jaden tells me he is here, and then he will take us both to the new house.
“I am here now Nico Jaden mindlinks me and I pushed the door open with my back and take off to the SUV. I slide in with her in my arms and Jaden immediately takes off. My warriors will take the second SUV back to the parking garage to get the other two vehicles and take them all back to the pack. I sit back in the seat and stroke her beautiful face. I am so glad that she is here with me now, I am so thankful for my mate, and I pull her in tightly to me and sniff her neck, I can feel my canines elongate, and I am about to mark her, when Jaden stops me by yelling, “Nico, you said that you would wait for her to accept you first. She would never forgive you if you marked her without her approval.”
He is right, marking someone without their permission, if almost unforgivable, I just couldn’t resist it. I want to mark her so bad, she is mine, and it would bond her to me forever. I am so glad I took the time to get the house ready. I will get her situated and even have a camera set up, so I can watch her from my computer at the packhouse. I am the only one with the access code, so no one else can see her. She is mine, and I will not share her with anyone. I know that we have to be quick about it, as Stone Moon will be on our doorstep soon. I already have the room ready, and Jaden will take the first watch tomorrow. We fixed her room, so she cannot escape. The windows were barred with silver bars, and the windows were screwed down so they cannot be opened for her to call out to anyone. I had the door replaced and it is now a steel door that would need the jaws of life to get through or a welder’s torch. We will get her situated, and then we will both head back to Golden Summit.
They will already know that she is gone now, and they will immediately suspect me. I have a change of clothes at the house, and I will change so I don’t smell like her, I will have to wait a while to be able to come to her, it may be weeks, but maybe that will
Nico takes Bree
give her time to calm down to hear what I have to tell her. She needs to be reasonable about this, I didn’t even know that she even existed when I made the deal, I would NOT have made the deal if I have known about her. I swear on my life I wouldn’t.
I look down and watch her breathe, I need to kiss her, I can wait on marking her, but this I need to do now. I lean down and press my lips to hers and it is amazing, her soft lip’s part slightly, and I thrust my tongue inside her mouth. I groan as I have never felt so much from a kiss, and she isn’t even awake yet. She isn’t even able to kiss me back, and I am amazed again at how much I feel for this beautiful little she–wolf. That concerns me, she isn’t awake yet, and she has given no indication of waking up yet either. I run my hand to the back of her head, and I feel the knot from where she was struck, and it is bleeding slightly and that makes me growl. I know I told him to do it carefully, but I guess you can either have it fast or correct and I am furious that she is
hurt at all.
away from
I will make this the last time that she gets hurt by my actions. I will love and comfort her from now on. We are approaching the house now and Jaden pulls into the garage and kills the engine. We have to turn and burn, and Jaden goes to take her me to carry her into the house and upstairs to her room, and I growled at him. He puts his hands up and then said, “You know we
are on a timeline. We need to get back to Golden Summit as soon as possible because they will be coming there first Nico. Think about this, let me carry her and set her on the bed, and get her locked up, while you change your clothes, so they won’t smell her
on you. They are not going to believe either of us anyway, the least you can do is NOT smell like her.”
He is right and I let him have her and take her upstairs. I go and get changed, and he comes back down and is changing into another t–shirt himself because he knows that if they smell her on either of us, they will wage war on us right then to get her back. The best thing we can do is deny it, and I will try to stay away from her for at least two weeks before I can come and visit. We will do the same thing and change up vehicles in the parking garage before we come back here.
I look back up the stairs and then decide we do have to go. She will be snacks in her room and a mini–fridge that is
- OK. She h
stocked, as well as a microwave. Jaden will be back tomorrow and bring her food. A sandwich for lunch and a hot breakfast. We had a pass–thru built into the door, so we can just pass in her food, until she calms down, if she doesn’t, I am not above drugging her food, just to get her calm. We head back to Golden Summit in silence, and as we approach the gates I said, “Thank you for the help, Jaden. Sabrina is my mate, and I need her. I wish to the Goddess that I had never met Shelby. She is getting worse by the day, and I am so tired of Shelby. I cannot stand being with her anymore, and I was telling the truth that I would give up the
pack to be able to be with my mate. If it comes to it, that is what I would do for Sabrina.”
We pull up to the packhouse and I see Asher and his father yelling at Shelby, and I know she already knows that I took Sabrina, but I will deny it to my dying breath. I will not tell anyone that I have her, or where she is. I don’t care what they do to me, I can take it knowing that my beautiful mate is safe and secure and will be fully mine in the next three weeks.
I get out of the passenger side of the SUV and Asher walks right up and punches me in the face. He is still 19 and has a lot to learn about what you can and cannot do to another Alpha, but then his dad walks up and hits me so hard I hit the ground.
“Where is my daughter you piece of s**1?” Andrew Morris asks me, and I gave a little laugh as I got up and spit the blood out of my mouth. He got me surprisingly good, but there is NO way that I am going to answer that..
“Sabrina is missing?” I asked them innocently and Andrew hits me again, hard enough that I see black and hit the ground.