Chapter 0227
“If you have any cute guy friends, send them my way, could use a variety myself,” she teased.
Nan let out a laugh and nodded.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Nan was relieved that Becky decided not to go out with her mate again, but who was this other woman in his life that caused him to be so distracted on their date?
She thanked Becky before leaving the boutique with more questions than she had when she entered.
Later that evening, Nan went to the Landry Mansion, using the address Judy had given her.
“Are you
Nan?” One of the guards asked as she approached the front gates.
Nan smiled; it was thoughtful that Judy told them of her arrival so they could be prepared.
“Yes,” Nan replied.
“Co 1
with me. Miss Montague is inside waiting for you,” he told her.
Nan nodded and followed the guard towards the front entrance. The guard was cute, and Nan made a mental note to ask him if he was single later. Not for herself but for Becky. She laughed at the thought as she entered the gorgeous mansion.
“Nan!” Judy said as she rushed towards Nan and wrapped her arms around her friend. “I’m so glad you’re here. Come on, let me show you around!”
Nan laughed and the two girls walked around the mansion, looking at all the cool things the mansion had to offer, including the incredible pool in the backyard. Nan had to admit, she was jealous of Judy’s living arrangements. Her bedroom was huge and had such a beautiful view.
It put her one–bedroom apartment to shame.
“I’m going to put my new pjs on,” Nan told her as she walked towards Judy’s bathroom.
“Great; then we will go downstairs and crack open that wine. We can watch Corny Romcoms. I also ordered a pizza,” Judy told her.
Nan laughed at her friend. This was exactly what Nan needed to get her mind off things.
She quickly got changed and pulled her hair into a messy bun. Afterward, the girls went into the living room down the stairs. Judy grabbed a couple of wine glasses and poured them each some wine before taking her seat on the couch next to Nan.
“We needed this,” Judy said, clinking her glass with Nan’s before taking a sip.
“Yeah, we did,” Nan agreed, taking a sip of her own wine.
She thought about telling Judy about her mate but saying it out loud also made it real, so she chose not to say anything. At least not right now. Not until she knew more about him and what she was planning on doing about it.
Chapter 0227
“Are you burning a candle or something?” Nan asked suddenly as she got a whiff of something sweet. Something smells really good in here.”
“Could be Chester in the kitchen. He said something about making a dessert for us,” she replied.
Nan raised her brows.
“Who is Chester?” She asked.
“The chef.”
Nan laughed.
“You would have a personal chef,” Nan teased.
Judy shrugged.
won’t blame me… blame the Landry’s,” Judy sighed. But Chester is a good dude. He’s funny. A flirt,
but harmless.”
“I want to see what he’s cooking,” Nan said, standing to her feet. “The scent is mouthwatering
Judy frowned, sniffing the air.
“I don’t really smell anything. But I’m a little stuffed up,” she said. “The kitchen is around the corner. I’ll stay here and pick out a movie.
Nan nodded as she took another large sip of her wine and set it back down on the table. She quickly hurried towards the kitchen, the scent growing stronger.
It smelled so familiar, and she was eager to see what it was. Maybe this Chester dude would let her have
a taste.
As she stepped into the kitchen, her entire body froze