Chapter 0345
But his attempts were futile; I still had the upper hand.
After their initial shock wore off, the others lunged at me as well, trying to get me off their supposed leader. With the help of Tabby, we were able to get them all on the ground, gasping for breath and begging for us to stop.
“Surrender,” Tabby said, her eyes dark with fury. “And maybe we’ll let you live,” she added with a smirk.
“We…we surrender,” the girl said, her body quivering. Tabby managed to break her arm, so she wasn’t going to be much of a fight if she did choose to continue fighting.
We collected their white flags, as a show of surrender and we let them wander off to wait for the chopper to collect them.
Not before long, the rest of our teammates were returning, they were chanting and cheering because they got the rest of the flags, but when they saw the scene in front of them, their excitement was palpable.
“They surrendered,” Tabby announced, holding up the white flags.
“Way to go!” Chuck cheered. “I knew you were the right ones for this job. Did they seriously try and fight you? What idiots.”
This made the rest of the team laugh. My team at least knew what I was capable of and knew not to mess with me. “Let’s get the hell off this island. I need a hot bath,” Sherry complained as she gathered the rest of the flags and headed towards a canoe.
The rest of us nodded in agreement. We cleaned up the campsite and then started toward the canoes.
I had never been in a canoe before, and I was a bit nervous. But it couldn’t be much worse than jumping out of a plane blindfolded.
The waves were fierce, so we had to crash through them, water filling the bottom of the boat with each splash. There were only a couple of paddles in each boat so the strongest and more experienced were the ones who rowed, while the rest of us tried to navigate using the sky.
A couple of drones also followed us on our path while the other stayed with the other competitors on the island.
It took us several hours and a few times we got a bit turned around, but eventually, we found our way and the resort dock came into view.
Relief flooded me.
As we brought our canoes to the dock and were helped by those who worked at the resort, I noticed we were the only team who was back already.
Did that mean we had won?
There were cheers as we ran through the crowds of people and rushed to the arena. The second our feet landed on the base, I fell to the ground, exhaustion taking over my every bone. Chuck was the one who presented all 5 flags, while Tabby presented the white flags of those we were forged to surrender.
Everybody in the arena cheered; I had never seen such chaos before, but it was pretty much mayhem. My eyes scanned the arena; it was completely full, and I was surprised to see the glant monitors set up where they were all watching us.
My cheeks were on fire as I stared at the screen; highlights of our time on the island this last day and a half were being played, and my face was front and center for most of. They didn’t miss much of anything except when
Chapter 0345
Tabby and I fought the bear in the cave; the drone didn’t follow us there, but it captured us leaving the cave drenched in blood.
A lot of people cringed, but Chuck thought it was awesome and gave us a high–five after the highlight was finished; I blushed at the attention.
out his
“Tabby laughed when her face came into view, not as embarrassed, just finding it funny. Chuck puffed out chest when his scenes were played.
“You did great,” Sherry said, stepping beside me, and putting a hand on my shoulder. “Great job. You’ll be a great warrior one day, Judy.”
I smiled at her, grateful for her words.
“Thanks,” I replied.
“If it comes down to it, I will still kick your ass in the finals next week,” she teased. “Make no mistake.
“Count on it,” I replied with a smirk.
We were soon announced as the winners of this week’s Group B competition and the stadium went absolutely nuts. But my eyes wandered around to the one person I was hoping to see and when my eyes finally landed on him, my breath hitched.
Who was that woman he was talking to?