He happily called out, “Clara, look what I brought you. Ta–da! It’s your favorite candy and strawberries. Don’t be mad at me,
okay? I’ll take you with me next time.”
His voice died in his throat when he saw me lying in a pool of blood. The things in his hands fell to the floor with a loud crash.
“C–Clara!” He rushed up and pushed Chiara out of the way.
I saw his desperation and weakly shook my head. A violent cough made me spit out blood, but I couldn’t say anything.
Ethan’s trembling hand hovered over the dagger lodged in my chest, as if he couldn’t believe it was real.
He glared at Chiara and growled, “Why did you do this? I’ll make you pay!”
Ethan had always stood by his vows.
As I lay there, helpless, he turned and lunged at Chiara, his hands wrapping around her throat.
Her slender neck, already fragile, easily snapped under his squeeze. She didn’t even have the chance to speak her last words.
Her eyes were wide open as her final breath left her body.
Ethan scooped me into his arms, sprinting toward the helicopter. He strapped me into the co–pilot’s seat, his hands shaking from
Tears slipped from his nose, falling into the corner of my mouth. Salty and bitter.
He spoke anxiously. “Clara, hold on, we’re almost at the hospital. I’ll give you my heart. Our organs match. Stay with me. You’re gonna be fine.”
But my eyelids grew heavier and eventually drooped.