Chapter Fifteen
Celeste’s POV
Ambient chatter and the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans filled the air. I sat in a quaint cafe only a block from my studio, sipping my fifth cappuccino.
Orders were rolling in at lightning speed, and I was swamped with work. I needed an assistant yesterday. Grace posted a hiring notice, screened applicants, and set up the interviews. I just had to take my pick.
But no one felt like the right fit.
I put my empty mug down as caffeine buzzed through my veins. The last interview was in ten minutes. I had time to scarf down a sandwich.
I looked up to flag down a waiter, and my breath hitched.
Ryan had just walked into the cafe. He wore crisp slacks with a blue dress shirt that clung to his frame. When he saw me, a wide smile spread across his face. I felt jittery as he walked towards my table.
I shouldn’t have had that last coffee.
“Celeste,” His eyes twinkled. “It’s good to see you.
I gave him a brief hug. I didn’t need a repeat of last time.
“This is such a surprise.” I said.
Ryan raised an eyebrow. “You’re surprised to see me?”
“Well, yes. We never bump into each other.”
He nodded, pulling out my chair. I looked up at him, heart palpitations worsening.
I couldn’t remember the last time someone had done this for me.
“Have a seat.”
When I didn’t move, he guided me into the chair and pushed it in before sitting opposite me. I watched in fascination as he ordered us drinks.
Tousled dark hair softened his sharp features. He belonged on a billboard.
“Celeste, is everything okay?”
“It’s nothing. Just too much coffee.”
Ryan nodded. “How have you been doing?”
“Well, thanks. Just swamped with work. That’s why I’m here. I’m interviewing for an assistant.”
“How’s that going?” he rested his head in his hand.
“Not well.” I sighed. “I’ll be working closely with my assistant. We need to click and I need to trust them.”
He tilted his head, gazing up at me. “And none of the applicants are clickable?”
I smiled at his teasing.
“None so far. I’m actually waiting for my last interview.” I checked the time on my phone. “He’s running late.”
Chapter Fifteen
He tutted. “What poor manners.”
“It’s not promising.” I groaned. “But what are you doing here? Are you meeting someone?”
“Oh, I’m here for a job interview.”
My eyes widened. “Wow, what are the odds?”
Just then, the waiter brought our drinks. He straightened off the table.
“I figured you were hyped up on caffeine,” he said, picking up the teapot. “You used to live on coffee during highschool.”
“What is it?” I asked.
Ryan responded without looking up. “Chamomile.”
He poured the piping liquid into a teacup with a drizzle of honey before stirring. Then he raised the tea to his lips and blew.
The sun had already set, but heat flooded my body.
Once he was satisfied, Ryan carefully arranged the teacup on a saucer and placed it in front of me.
I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t used to this kind of treatment.
My fingers trembled as I picked up the cup and took a sip. It felt like silk on my tongue.
“This is really nice.”
Ryan gave me a dimpled smile as he drank his coffee. I placed my cup on the saucer.
“What are you interviewing for?” I asked.
He put his coffee down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his chin on his knuckles.
“Oh, for an assistant position at a thriving startup.” A devilish grin graced his lips. “How am I doing so far, Rosemary?”
My jaw hit the table.
“Shut up. You’re messing with me again, right?”
“As fun as that sounds, no.” He sat back. “I’m the man you’ve been waiting for.”
I narrowed my eyes at him before opening my emails. I scrolled down the list of applicants, and right at the bottom was Mr. R. Edwards.
This had Grace written all over it.
I closed my laptop and met his gaze with fire.
“Ryan, if this is another one of your jokes, fess up now or prepare to have the living crap beaten out of you.”
All humor left him.
“I wouldn’t joke about this,” he said sincerely. “Your work and everything you’ve accomplished is truly inspiring. I’ve always looked up to you.”
Warmth swelled in my chest.
Chapter Fifteen
“How did you know about the position?” I asked.
He ran his fingers through his hair, and the material around his biceps tightened. I swallowed and dragged my gaze back to his face.
Get a grip, Celeste!
“I’ve been looking for work for a while. My family’s financial situation isn’t great. When I saw your job post, I applied.”
I could feel the tug on my heartstrings. But I couldn’t hire him only to help his family, no matter how much I
wanted to.
“I don’t know, Ryan.”
“Celeste, I’m serious about being your assistant,” he said. I’m willing to follow you wherever you go. I’ll give you my all.”
That chamomile tea was a hoax.
My heart hammered in my chest. “I’ll think about it.”
The tension left his shoulders, and he flashed me a lopsided grin.
“Thanks, Celeste.”
We finished our drinks. I stopped him from paying when the bill came. He was like family to me. If he was struggling, I would help him in any way I could.
“I’ve got it,” I said. “When was the last time I treated you?
He watched me for a moment before relenting. I paid, and we left the cafe together.
“Let me walk you to your car,” he said, his hands in his pockets.
“I actually walked here.”
He shrugged. “Then I’ll walk you home.”
“It’s really not far.” I said. “I’ll be fine.”
“But I won’t.”
Ryan pulled his hands out of his pockets. His fingers brushed mine as he took my laptop bag from my hand and hoisted it over a shoulder.
“You’re an attractive woman, Celeste. I’m not letting you walk home alone at night.”
I stood there, dumbstruck.
How was this the same boy who ran to me crying over a scraped knee?
“Lead the way.‘”
His tone left no room for debate.
We made the short walk in a companionable silence. I waved him goodbye from the door before heading into my apartment and marching straight to Grace’s office.
“You’re home late.” she grinned.
Chapter Fifteen
“I knew you had something to do with this.”
She laughed, “Guilty as charged.”
“I told you Ryan is like a brother to me.”
Grace raised an eyebrow. “And I told you I wasn’t buying it
I huffed and crossed my arms.
She sobered up. “But in all honesty, he’s an excellent candidate.”
“You think we should hire him?”
She nodded.
I bit my lip, thinking for a moment. Ryan felt like the right fit. We were ‘clickable‘ and I knew I could trust him.
A smile broke across my face.
“I guess we’ve hired our first employee.”